Page 14 - Bakers Dolphin
P. 14

German & Dutch                                                                                                         Festive Getaway
                   DEPARTING    6 DAYS                                                                                                    DEPARTING    6 DAYS
                     8th          FROM                                                                                                     15th          FROM
      Ambassador                £449            Festive Sailing                                                              Ambassador                £429
       Ambience     Dec 2024                                                                                                  Ambience     Dec 2024

     Welcome aboard!                                                                                                        Welcome aboard!
                                                                                                                                                                       Cruise Highlights
     Hamburg is one of the most beautiful       Cruise Highlights                                                           Go on a unique festive sailing this winter
     cities in the world, and spending the                                                                                  as we take you from the Netherlands        Rotterdam Cruise, River Nieuwe
     holidays here is a unique experience.      Hamburg, Cruise River Elbe,                                                 to France and back again. Beginning in     Maas, Netherlands
     No one celebrates Christmas quite like     Germany                                                                     Rotterdam, you’ll be able to see the       Rotterdam’s vibrant modern
     Germany, and Hamburg is no exception       Here you’ll step into an infectiously                                       festive lights in all their glory as you   architecture harmonises with
     to this. Visit the City Hall market and    vibrant atmosphere and a plethora                                           cruise down the River Nieuwe Maas – the    its maritime history, holding the
     browse the many stalls while sipping       of cultural offerings – the perfect                                         lifeblood of the city. Picturesque Honfleur   largest port in Europe. Visit Museum
     on some famous Glühwein, or venture        welcome. Cruising down the                                                  awaits you in Normandy, where you’ll see   Boijmans Van Beunungen’s vast art
     to the St. Petri Church market and grab    River Elbe will give you a unique                                           chalets and stalls set up around the       collection, the iconic Cube Houses
     some warming Currywurst.                   perspective of the city, including the                                      Vieux Bassin. Enjoy Amsterdam's festive    and delve into the city’s heritage.
                                                Elbstrände breaches which give way                                          spirit as you sample traditional food such   Honfleur, France
                                                to multiple cafés and restaurants.                                          as speculaas cookies.                      Explore this charming port town
                                  Amsterdam                                                                                                                            captivated by its cobblestone
                                                Amsterdam, Netherlands                                                                                                 streets, historic harbour, and
                                                The Dutch spirit will welcome        Hamburg                                Honfleur                                   vibrant arts scene. Savour the                             Amsterdam
                                                you with open arms as you arrive                                                                                       allure of quaint cafes and explore
                                                in the Netherlands’ charming                                                                                           the picturesque beauty of this
                                                capital. Home to a plethora of   Itinerary                                                                             Normandy gem.                   Itinerary
                                                interesting sights, bites and delights,
                                                Amsterdam is sure to capture your   Day 1: London Tilbury                                                              Amsterdam, Netherlands          Day 1: London Tilbury
                                                imagination with its historic heritage   Day 2: At sea                                                                 The Dutch spirit will welcome you   Day 2:  Rotterdam cruise: River Nieuwe
                                                and relaxed atmosphere. Cycle along   Day 3:  Hamburg, cruise River Elbe,                                              with open arms as you arrive in      Maas, Netherlands
                             Christmas Markets
                                                the canals, sip coffee in a quirky café   Germany                                                                      the Netherlands’ charming capital.   Day 3: Honfleur, France
                                                and visit the museums.           Day 4: At sea                              Rotterdam                                  During the festive period, you’ll be   Day 4: At sea
                                                                                 Day 5: Amsterdam, Netherlands                                                         welcome with yuletide spirit.   Day 5: Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                                                                 Day 6: London Tilbury                                                                                                 Day 6: London Tilbury

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