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Frequently Asked Questions

         How much is the deposit and when is my final   On the way home we depart after breakfast   a walk in shower or ground floor rooms) must
         balance due?                        and usually return to your drop off point late   be requested at the time of your reservation,
         Please see the Terms and Conditions in the back   afternoon/early evening. Your driver will be   and we advise that you bring a companion with
         of the brochure for deposits payable and when   able to provide more specific information.  you if you need assistance. Coach space and
         the final balances would be due. If you wish not   How much luggage can I bring?  weight restrictions limit the number of walking
         to pay the full balance in one go; the remaining                        aids that we can accept on each tour.
         sum is due by the balance due date, as shown   One medium sized suitcase weighing no more
         on your confirmation..              than 20 kgs (44 lbs), plus one item of hand   Mobility Aids
                                             luggage. Porterage is included at most hotels.   You must advise us at time of booking if you
         Will I get a more detailed itinerary to take with   The Company’s drivers will load and unload   are bringing a lightweight foldable wheelchair/
         me?                                 customer’s luggage.                 pusher/wheeler. In the case of a scooter or
         Yes, your full itinerary will be posted                                 wheelchair powered with a dry cell battery you
         approximately 7-10 days prior to departure   I have limited mobility; will these tours be   must be able to break it down into separate
                                             suitable for me?
         along with your final confirmation documents                            parts each weighing no more than 20 kgs (44
         (luggage label’s, pick up timings, etc.)  The tours offer a varied level of activity and you   lbs), and able to be reassembled by yourself. If
                                             can participate as much or as little as you wish.   not you must travel with a companion to help
         What time will I get picked up and returned   Any specific restrictions are indicated in the   you.
         home?                               brochure. Most properties offer a good level of   All passengers must be fit and able to travel
         UK Holidays. Most Pick Ups are between 7.30am   access but others due to their historic nature,   independently, and get on and off the coach at
         and 10am (postcode dependant), although   may have some upstairs sections without lift   all times when requested by the driver.
         this will vary depending on the distance to be   access or gardens with limited walkways.
         covered. The routes are finalised four weeks   Most hotels featured in our brochures offer   The company’s staff will be polite and
         prior to departure, and our journeys are   lift access. If you are unable to manage stairs   respectful, but are not permitted to assist
         planned carefully to ensure that you get to   please check with our reservations staff at the   passengers with their eating or personal care
         the hotel in good time for your evening meal   time of booking on suitability.  services.
         (where applicable).                                                     Please note. Some itineraries may be subject to
                                             Any physical condition which may necessitate
         Continental Holidays. Pick Ups will be earlier.   special requirements (for example, the need of   change, as written many months before.

                 BOOKING                        Speak to one of our travel experts on:

            YOUR HOLIDAY                        01934 415 000                              Sovereign Centre
                                                Book your holiday online                   BS23 1HL

                                                ......or pop in to one of our shops:       The Arcade
        Join Our                                                                           BS1 3JD
                                                                                           Broadmead, Bristol


              £10                          £15                  More holidays,

                 OFF                          OFF               more memories
                                                                ... all for less
               per person                   per person
          on your 2nd holiday          on your 3rd holiday      Our holiday loyalty scheme operates on a rolling 12 months basis
                                                                and many of our customers take more than 1 holiday in that
                                                                period, perhaps as many as 4 or 5.
              £20                          £25                  your repeat holiday bookings made over a 12 month period. The
                                                                The discounts shown on the left can be claimed according to
                                                                discount is not applicable with any other offer but applies to

                  OFF                         OFF               holidays of 4 days or more and is capped at £25 per person.
                                                                How to claim your discount
               per person                   per person          When you book your chosen holidays simply call us and advise
           on your 4th holiday         on your 5th holiday      us of your previous holidays booked and your discount will be
                                                                deducted from the balance invoice due on each holiday booked.
       4 4                       To book call us on 01934 41 5000 or visit WWW.BAKERSDOLPHIN.COM
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