Page 34 - Bakers Dolphin
P. 34

CATHEDRAL,                           CAMBRIDGE, BURY                     MEDIEVAL LUDLOW,

        CHÂTEAU & CASTLES ST EDMUNDS &                                           THE FEATHERS & THE

                                             CONSTABLE COUNTRY SHROPSHIRE HILLS

        • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast   • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast  • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast
        • Tour Link Included                 • Tour Link Included                • Tour Link Included
         5 DAYS          From £549            5 DAYS         From £509            5 DAYS          From £539

          Durham Castle Gates                 Cambridge University                Shropshire Hills
        The beauty of the Durham Dales on this tour   A lovely trip to East Anglia with guided tour  Along the upper reaches of the River
        offers a nice contrast with stunning Beamish   of the University city of Cambridge and   Severn and the borders between England
        and historic Durham including Bowes    the area made famous by the 18th Century   and Wales, the countryside of Shropshire
        Museum, home of the famous ‘Silver Swan.’  paintings of John Constable. Alongside visits  shelters some of the most beautiful
                                             to Bury St Edmunds and Felixstowe.  landscapes and unspoilt towns that you
        Your Itinerary                                                           can imagine on this NEW holiday.
        Monday We depart and journey to our hotel for  Your Itinerary
        the next 4 nights with dinner, bed and breakfast.  Monday We depart and journey to our hotel for   Your Itinerary
        During your stay you will enjoy:     the next 4 nights with dinner, bed and breakfast.  Monday We depart and journey to our hotel for
        •  Explore the market town of Barnard Castle.  During your stay you will enjoy:  the next 4 nights with dinner, bed and breakfast.
        •   Bowes Museum is one of County Durham’s biggest  •  Discover the idyllic villages on a guided tour   During your stay you will enjoy:
          surprises, housed in a majestic French-style   of Constable Country, including the birthplace   •  We follow the Black and White Village Trail,
          Château; the Museum opened in 1892. A superb   of the famous painter at East Bergholt, an   travelling through some of the most attractive
          collection including the beautiful Silver Swan.  unspoilt village with many fine properties.  villages in England including Weobley,
        •  Visit to famous Beamish - North of England   • Felixstowe where we have free time to explore.  Pembridge and Eardisland to the historic
          Open Air Museum, capturing the spirit of the   •  Visit to Bury St. Edmunds on market day,   cathedral city of Hereford.

          North East in the 1800’s and 1900’s.   famous for its Abbey Gardens and the Angel   •  Visit to the Shropshire Hills Visitor Centre.
        •   The ancient and historic city of Durham   Hotel, where Dickens had Mrs Pickwick stay.    •  Afternoon at leisure to explore Ludlow and its
          acclaimed as a World Heritage Site and   •  The famous University City of Cambridge for a   attractive market town with imposing castle,
          dominated by the Norman cathedral and castle.  guided tour. We visit the American Cemetery.   perched high above the River Teme.
        Friday After breakfast we depart for home.  Friday After breakfast we depart for home.  •   We travel via the Shropshire Hills to Shrewsbury.
                                                                                  This splendid medieval town has winding
         Your Hotel                           Your Hotel                          streets with unusual names and over 600 listed
                                                                                  buildings, including the castle and abbey.
         The recently refurbished Blackwell Grange   The Best Western Priory Hotel situated   Friday After breakfast we depart for home.
         Hotel is a stunning 17th Century mansion,   is situated on the outskirts of Bury St
         which enjoys an enviable setting in the   Edmunds. All bedrooms are en suite with
         beautiful County Durham countryside. Hotel   TV, telephone,              Your Hotel
         facilities include leisure club with heated   radio, hairdryer, and
         indoor swimming pool, spa and sauna and all   tea/coffee making          The beautiful Feathers Hotel, with its
         bedrooms are en suite                facilities. The hotel               authentic half-timbered Tudor façade,
         with TV, radio, telephone,           does not have a lift.               is a landmark building in the heart of the
         hairdryer and tea/coffee                                                 picturesque market
         making facilities. The                                                   town of Ludlow. All
         hotel has a lift.                                                        bedrooms are en suite
                                                                                  with TV and tea/coffee
         Prices & Dates                      Prices & Dates                       making facilities. The
                                                                                  hotel has a lift.
         3rd Mar                       £549  17th Mar                      £509
         Single room supplement £110         Single room supplement £44           Prices & Dates
         Prices & Dates                      Prices & Dates                       17th Mar                     £539
         7th Apr                       £579  28th Apr                      £549   7th Apr                      £559
         Single room supplement £110         Single room supplement £44           Single room supplement £110

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