Page 32 - Bakers Dolphin
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WARNER HOTELS                        WARNER HOTELS                       WARNER HOTELS

        BEMBRIDGE COAST,  HOLME LACY                                             THORESBY HALL,

        ISLE OF WIGHT                        HOUSE, HEREFORD                     NOTTINGHAM

        • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast   • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast  • 4 nights with dinner, bed & breakfast
        • Tour Link Included                 • Tour Link Included                • Tour Link Included
         5 DAYS                  £329         5 DAYS                  £539        5 DAYS                  £539

          Bembridge Coast Character Hotel     Holme Lacy House                    Thoresby Hall
        Join us for a ‘re-mixed’ break featuring an   Fabulous Coach Holidays to Warner Hotel    All Warner Hotel breaks include stylish
        evening of music and nostalgia with Richard  - Holme Lacy House.         accommodation, full English or continental
        Digance, ballroom, party dancing and   Includes: • Adults Only Hotel • Full   breakfasts, 3-course evening meals,
        leisure activities.                  Excursion Programme • Nightly       leisure and sport activities, live music and
                                             Entertainment • Great Leisure Facilities    performances and temptingly, they are
                                             • Fantastic Hotel Activities        exclusively for adults.
        Your Itinerary                       Your Itinerary                      Your Itinerary

        Monday We depart and make our way to the   Monday We depart and make our way to Holme   Monday We depart and make our way to
        south coast for the ferry to the Isle of Wight    Lacy for the next 4 nights with dinner, bed    Nottinghamshire and our hotel for the next 4
        and on to our hotel for the next 4 nights with   and breakfast.          nights stay with dinner, bed and breakfast.
        dinner, bed and breakfast.           During your stay you will enjoy:    During your stay you will enjoy:
        During your stay you will enjoy:     •  Nearby Hereford offers everything from   •  A visit to Lincoln - a treasure trove of history,
        • Excursion to Newport and Godshill.  ancient history to the modern market day.   cobbled streets and ancient houses.
        •  Excursion to Ryde and Cowes - Ryde ‘The   •  Tewkesbury is a medieval gem famed for its   •  Nottingham, another fabulous city rich in lore.
         Gateway to the Island’ then we visit Cowes    timber framed buildings. An ancient settlement   Tales of King John and Robin Hood abound
         - home of the famed Regatta.         situated at the meeting of the rivers Avon and   in the city with Britain’s oldest pub, the
        •  Travelling through Shanklin we make a visit to   Severn, a delight for those seeking    crusaders’ ‘Jerusalem Inn.’
         the famous Needles at Alum Bay.      ‘Olde England.’                    •  Sherwood Forest and the Major Oak, at the
        Friday After breakfast we depart for the ferry   Friday After breakfast we depart for home.  edge of the forest, take the opportunity to visit
        then on to the West Country.                                              the Sherwood Visitors’ Centre (entry extra)
                                                                                  and learn the truth about ‘Robin of Loxley.’
                                                                                 Friday After breakfast we depart for home.
         Your Hotel                           Your Hotel                          Your Hotel

         The Bembridge Coast Character Hotel   Holme Lacy House is a glorious Country   Thoresby Hall is set in acres of rolling
         combines comfort with a wide range of   Mansion, nestling in the Wye Valley, offering   parklands on the edge of Sherwood Forest
         super leisure facilities, including a heated   a truly luxurious break. A grade I listed   and is a truly majestic country house.
         indoor pool, sauna and bowls. Evening   Georgian Mansion in impressive grounds   Gracious rooms, fine dining and superb
         entertainment is provided nightly in the   and woodlands with its own fishing lake. All   entertainment. Its luxurious Spa offers
         Admirals Club Cabaret Room. There is a lift   bedrooms offer the best of the facilities and   unrivalled health and beauty facilities plus
         to most rooms in the hotel.          are linked to the main house. There is nightly   heated indoor pool and spa pool, sauna,
                                              dancing in the Pavilion Cabaret Room and   steam room, delightful lounges and bars,
                                              the facilities include              outdoor bowls green,
                                              heated indoor pool                  putting green, fencing,
                                              and bubble pool,                    archery and croquet.
                                              sauna, steam room                   The hotel has a lift.
                                              and gym. The hotel
                                              has a lift.
         Prices & Dates                      Prices & Dates                       Prices & Dates
         10th Feb                      £329  10th Mar                      £539   10th Mar                     £539
         No single room supplement           No single room supplement            No single room supplement

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