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hygiene may be lower than those to which we are accustomed   16. Special requests  the effect it may have on others. If you or any other member of
        in the UK. You should therefore exercise greater care for your   All special needs and requests, if agreed, should be entered   your party is abusive, disruptive or behaves in a way that could
        own protection. There may be countries that we visit that have   on the booking form and be included in the confirmation of the   cause damage or injury to others or affect their enjoyment of
        special medical requirements for tourists. These regulations are   holiday. These cannot be guaranteed except where confirmed   their holiday or which could damage property, we have the right
        subject to change and our clients are responsible for complying   as part of our holiday commitment to you and are detailed on   to terminate your contract with us and we will have no further
        with entry and current health requirements. If you are not sure of   your holiday booking confirmation. We are keen to ensure   liability or obligation to you. The coach driver/representative,
        the health requirements for the country you are visiting, you are   that we plan the arrangements for your holiday so that special   ship’s captain, or authorised official is entitled to refuse you
        advised to check with your own GP before travelling. You are   needs and requests can be accommodated as far as possible.   boarding if in their reasonable opinion you are unacceptably
        also advised to refer to the Department of Health leaflet “Health   If you will need assistance or may be unable to fully enjoy all   under the influence of drink or drugs or you are being violent or
        Advice for Travellers”.            aspects of your holiday you must tell us in advance so that we   disruptive. If you are refused boarding on the outward journey,
        Some people may be at risk from discomfort or deep vein   can maximise your enjoyment of the holiday. We will need to   we will regard it as a cancellation by you and we will apply
        thrombosis (DVT) if they remain immobile on a journey for a   know if you will need special facilities in the hotel, taking part in   cancellation charges. If on your return journey, we have the right
        long period. If you are planning to undertake a journey of more   the excursions or have difficulty boarding and travelling on the   to terminate the contract with you. We also request that mobile
        than three hours, you should consult your doctor, if you have   coach or other means of transport. Before booking your holiday,   telephones are not used on the coach.
        ever had DVT, pulmonary embolism, a family history of clotting   you should be sure that you and your party are both physically   19. Travel Insurance
        conditions, cancer or treatment for cancer, stroke, and heart or   and mentally capable of completing the itinerary. If you need   We strongly advise that you take out personal travel insurance
        lung disease or If you have had major surgery in the past three   advice or further information either you or your booking agent   for the trip. We have arranged travel insurance with Travel &
        months.                            should contact 01934 415000. If you will require a special diet   General Insurance Services Ltd, which is outlined below. You
        We reserve the right to refuse any booking in the absence of a   please tell us at the time of booking, or as soon as you are   may use an alternative insurer, but you must advise us. The   TRADING CHARTER & BOOKING CONDITIONS
        doctor’s certificate confirming that you are fit to travel. Where   medically advised, together with a copy of the diet.  insurance should cover medical and repatriation costs, personal
        we provide comfort stops you are encouraged to walk around.   17. Passengers with disabilities  injury, loss of baggage and cancellation charges. If you do not
        Exercise reduces any discomfort, which may be caused by   We want everyone to enjoy our travel arrangements. We are   have adequate insurance and require our assistance during
        periods of immobility.             happy to advise and assist you in choosing a suitable holiday.   your holiday, we reserve the right to reclaim from you any
        NO SMOKING is allowed on our coaches (including   But, as some of the accommodation and resorts featured   medical repatriation or other expenses which we may incur on
        E-Cigarettes) and we do not allow pets or any other animals,   may not cater for even minor disabilities, it is important that,   your behalf which would otherwise have been met by insurers.
        although we accommodate registered assistance dogs, but not   when booking, you advise us of any disability, specific need or   You must advise us if you use an alternative insurer, the policy
        on overseas holidays.              complex need you may have and any special requirements that   number and 24-hour contact number.
        15. Travel documents, itineraries, Link points and   will make sure the holiday is suitable. If a passenger requires   20. Luggage
        passports                          personal assistance (for example, assistance with feeding,   Please restrict your luggage to a suitcase weighing no more
        For all Continental holidays, you will require a full 10-year British   dressing, toileting, mobilising) then this passenger must travel   than 20kgs per person. We cannot accept responsibility for loss
                                           with an able-bodied companion or carer and written confirmation
        Passport (machine readable) valid for a further 6 months after   that such assistance will be provided for the entirety of the   or damage to luggage unless through our negligence. Please do
        your holiday. If you do not hold a full British Passport or have   holiday is required at the time of booking. Coach drivers/Tour   not leave valuable items in your suitcase when left on the coach.
        any doubts about your status as a resident British subject, you   Managers are unable to provide such assistance.  Please contact us for our policy on mobility scooters.
        must check with the Embassies or Consulates of the Countries         21. General Data Protection Regulations
        to be visited to confirm the Passport or visa requirements when   Important  We comply with the GDPR 2018 Regulations, our data controller
        you book. We cannot accept responsibility if passengers are not   You must tell us if you have an existing medical condition,   is Stephen Hunt and our data protection policy can be found
        in possession of the correct travel documents. For full details on   disability or complex need that may affect your holiday or other   online at or you can request a copy
                                                                                                                    TRADING CHARTER & BOOKING CONDITIONS
                                                                                                                    TRADING CHARTER & BOOKING CONDITIONS
        passport requirements, please contact ‘the identity and passport   group members’ enjoyment of it before you book your holiday.   from Bakers Dolphin, 48 Locking Road, Weston super Mare,
        service’ on 0300 222 0000 (  We reserve the right to request a doctor’s certificate confirming   North Somerset. BS23 3DN.
        You are responsible for ensuring you are at the correct   the passenger is fit to travel. If, in our reasonable opinion,   22. Emergency Contact
        departure point, at the correct time and with the correct   your chosen holiday is not suitable for your medical condition
        documents. Bakers Dolphin Coach Travel reserve the right to   or disability, we reserve the right to refuse your booking. You   A member of staff is always on hand 24 hours a day to help
        modify itineraries to conform with requests from competent   are responsible for bringing with you the proper clothing and   either before your holiday or on the day of departure by
        authorities both within the UK and abroad.  equipment, which we advise you about in our printed trip   telephoning 07860 433003. This number should be used should
                                                                             you require any assistance during your holiday.
        Excursions which are included in the cost of your booking are   information. We want you to enjoy your holiday and will help you
        detailed on the brochure page and refunds will not be made for   select an appropriate trip.  23. Publication date and details
        excursions not taken. Optional excursions booked and paid for in   18. Passenger Behaviour  This brochure was printed in the United Kingdom October 2024.
        resort do not form part of your booking. Admission fees to buildings   We want all our customers to have a happy and carefree
        may not be included in the price of the holiday, please check.  holiday. You are responsible for your behaviour and hygiene and   You will not be covered for any directly or indirectly related claims (see note
        Our Client Holiday Travel Insurance is available to all eligible passengers travelling on our holidays which is
                                                      HEALTH DECLARATION AND HEALTH EXCLUSIONS
      HOLIDAY TRAVEL INSURANCE  and subject to limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. AWP   comply with the following:  • You were aware they had undiagnosed medical condition(s) for which they
        arranged by Travel & General Insurance Services Limited in conjunction with Wrightsure Services (Hampshire)
                                                                                      at the end of this section) arising from the health of a travelling companion,
                                                      It is very important that you read the following:
                                                                                      someone you were going to stay with, a close relative or a business associate if
        Limited, and underwritten by AWP P&C SA and is administered in the UK by Allianz Assistance. Allianz Assistance
                                                      For UK travel only - If you are only travelling within the UK, Channel Islands
        is a trading name of AWP Assistance UK Ltd. AWP P&C SA is duly authorised in France and the United Kingdom
                                                                                      at the time your policy was issued:
                                                      or Isle of Man during your journey, it is a condition of this policy that you can
        Assistance UK Ltd and Wrightsure Services (Hampshire) Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
                                                                                      were awaiting tests, investigations or the results of these;
                                                      1. You are fit to travel and undertake your planned journey.
        Authority (FCA). Wrightsure Services (Hampshire) Limited is permitted to advise on and arrange general insurance
                                                                                      • You were aware that their medical condition(s) were unstable, were likely
                                                      2. Following any claim investigation, your doctor confirms they would have
        contracts. You can check these details online using the Financial Services Register (accessible from https://register.
                                                                                      to get worse in the next 12 months or they had been diagnosed as having a
                                                      agreed with or recommended your travel plans when you took out this or by contacting the Financial Conduct Authority Consumer Helpline on 0800 1116768.
                                                                                      terminal condition.
                                                      insurance, booked your journey or at the time you travelled (whichever is later).
        Should you wish to take out this travel insurance please include the appropriate premium when booking your holiday.
                                                      3. You are not travelling with the purpose of having medical treatment or a
                                                                                      Note: Only claims relating to a medical condition where any of the above apply
                                                                                      will be affected. This includes indirectly related claims. For example, if someone
                                                                                      breaks a bone and a doctor confirms it is related to an existing diagnosis of
                                                      4. You are not awaiting the outcome of any medical tests or an appointment at
        This insurance policy will suit the demands and needs of an individual or group (where applicable) who have no
                                                      a medical facility for any medical investigations.
                                                                                      osteoporosis (brittle bone disease), this would not be covered if we have not
        excluded medical condition(s), are travelling in countries included within the policy terms and who wish to insure
                                                                                      agreed in writing to cover the osteoporosis.
                                                      For travel outside of the UK & All Air & Cruise Holidays - You will not
        themselves against unforeseen circumstances/events detailed in the cover section below. Subject to the terms,
                                                                                      SIGNIFICANT EXCLUSIONS
        conditions and maximum specified sums insured.
                                                      be covered for any claims arising as a direct or indirect result of an existing
                                                      medical condition if, in the 12 months before taking out this insurance or
                                                      booking your journey (whichever is later), you:
                                                                                      If you or anyone else named on this policy has not been a resident in the UK
        We will not provide you with advice about the suitability of this product for your individual needs but will be happy to
                                                      a) Were referred for tests, investigations, treatment or surgery, or were awaiting
        provide you with factual information.
                                                      the results of any referral
                                                                                      months, before the policy was issued, this policy cannot cover you.
        We summarise below the details of the insurance cover provided which also includes 24-hour emergency service
                                                      b) Attended or were due to attend a hospital or clinic as an outpatient or
                                                                                      In addition to the above the policy also contains the following main exclusions:
        from Allianz Assistance. The following is a brief summary of the cover available. Full details of cover and exclusions
                                                                                      • Any existing medical conditions unless they have been declared to (where
        will be forwarded with your confirmation of booking. In any event you may ask for a specimen copy of the policy
                                                      c) Received treatment or saw a medical practitioner for a medical condition; or
                                                                                      appropriate) and accepted by the insurer.
        wording before booking should you wish to examine this in advance.
                                                      d) Were prescribed medication.
                                                                                      • Your participation in any organised sports or dangerous activities unless they
                                                      Unless the condition(s) has (have) been declared to and accepted by us in   for more than 12 months, or if studying or working in the UK for more than 6
                                                                                      have been declared to and accepted by the Insurer.
     SUMMARY OF COVER PLEASE SEE THE POLICY WORDING FOR FULL DETAILS OF THE COVER,   writing. You should contact the Medical Screening Team by calling    • Suicide, self injury or deliberately putting yourself at risk (unless you are trying
     LIMITATIONS AND EXCESSES, A SPECIMEN COPY OF WHICH IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.  02392 419063 if:  to save another person’s life).
     Cover Section           Limit              Excess  i) You need to declare a medical condition.   • Travel against the advice of the carrier, any other public transport provider, the
     A. Trip Cancellation    1,500              £60*  ii) You are unsure whether a medical condition needs to be declared or not.  Foreign Office or the World Health Organisation.
                                                                                      • Any manual work or hazardous occupation undertaken during the insured trip.
                                                      The confidential helpline will be able to confirm if cover can be provided for
     B. Travel Interruption  1,500              £60*  your medical condition(s). If you need to make a claim arising from a medical   • The bankruptcy / liquidation of the tour operator, travel agent or transportation
                                                                                      company with whom you have booked your trip.
       - Extra accommodation sub-limit  £500 (but no more than £100 per   condition that has not been declared and accepted by us, it is unlikely that your   Examples of these and other conditions and restrictions and what to do if you
                                                      claim will be paid. Each person insured by us would still be covered for any
                             day)                     unrelated medical condition(s) and other sections of cover subject to the terms   are unsure about any aspect of an exclusion are contained within your policy
     C. Travel Delay         £300               Nil   and conditions of this policy.  information. Full details are contained within your policy information.
       (After a minimum delay of 12 complete hrs)     You will not be covered if:     How to make a claim
                                                                                      All claims should be made direct to Allianz Assistance. Please visit the website
       - With receipts daily limit  £50               • Following any claim investigation, your doctor confirms they would not have This will lead you to our online claims notification
                                                      agreed with or recommended you travel as planned either when you took out
       - No receipts daily limit                      this insurance, booked your journey or at the time you travelled (whichever   service where claim forms can be obtained immediately via email or by
                                                                                      downloading directly from the site. Alternatively, please phone and ask for a
     D.  Baggage             £1,500             £60   is later).                      claim form or write to: Allianz Assistance Travel Insurance Claims Department,
                                                      • You know you will need medical treatment or a consultation at a medical
       - High value Items sub-limit  £200             facility during your journey.   PO Box 451, Feltham TW13 9EE, telephone 0208 603 9958 or email travel.
                                                      • You are travelling specifically for the purpose of having surgery, procedures or
     E. Baggage Delay        £100               Nil   hospital treatment, whether medically necessary or not.   Protecting your information
       (After a minimum delay of 12 complete hrs)     • You had been diagnosed with a terminal illness prior to the date you took out   We will only use your personal details in line with our Privacy Notice. This can
                                                                                      be found on our website or is available in hard copy format upon request and
                                                      this insurance or booked your trip (whichever is later).
     F. Emergency Medical/Dental Cover Abroad  £1,000,000   £60  If we are unable to cover a medical condition, this will mean that any other   you should read this carefully and contact us immediately if you have any
       - Dental Care sub-limit  £350                  person insured by us will not be able to make a claim arising from the medical   queries. Your personal information includes all of the details you have given us
                                                                                      to process your insurance policy (we will not ask for more information than is
     G. Emergency Transport  No Limit (reasonable costs)  £60  condition(s). This may even apply if the person with the medical condition(s)   necessary). We may share your data with Third Parties for the provision and
                                                      purchases cover from another provider.
       - Search & Rescue sub-limit  £1,000            Exclusions relating to the health of someone not insured on this policy, but   ongoing performance of your insurance policy. Your data may be transferred
                                                                                      outside the UK. All of the personal information you supply to us will be handled
     H. Personal Liability   £1,000,000         £60   whose health may affect your decision whether to take or continue with your   strictly in accordance with the applicable Data Protection regulations and
     I.  Travel Accident     £10,000 in the event of permanent   Nil                  J.N.Baker Ltd. trading as Bakers Dolphin Coach Travel are an appointed
                             disablity or death       Travel insurance from just £26.53 per person*  Representative of Travel & General Insurance Services Limited who are
     J. Travel Services During Your Trip  Included  Nil  Duration   UK    Europe      authorised and regulated by the FCA (their registration number is 304788)
                                                                                      and which is permitted to advise on and arrange general insurance contracts.
     K. Loss of Travel Documents  £200          Nil                                   You can check these details online using the Financial Services Register
                             Actual value             Up to 3 days   £26.53    £65.18  (accessible from or by contacting the Financial Conduct
                                                                                      Authority Consumer Helpline on 0800 111 6768.
     L. Personal Money       £200               £60   Up to 5 days    £27.28    £68.30
     M. Legal Expenses       £25,000            Nil                                   * These insurance prices are valid up until the 31st December 2024 and new
                                                                                      insurance rates will apply for holidays starting from 1st January 2025.
    *  Excess for trips solely within the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man (except   Up to 6 days    £33.02    £80.64  Eligibility: Please note that this travel insurance is only available to UK residents.
     Cruise Holidays) is reduced to £30. The above is only a summary of the main   Up to 10 days    £33.02    £80.64
     cover limits. You should read the rest of the policy for the full terms and conditions.   Up to 12 days    £40.07    £97.20  131
                                 VISIT US AT OUR TRAVEL
     Cover limits, sub-limits and excesses apply per insured person. Visit our shops in WESTON-SUPER-MARE or BRISTOL  SHOPS
                             IN WESTON-SUPER-MARE OR                                 BRISTOL
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